Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Successful Was the New Economic Policy

The New Economic Policy (NEP) was a measure implemented in order to counter the arguably disastrous effects War Communism. The New Economic is controversial. Some historians argue it allowed the Soviet economy to solidify and begin to recover, and also allowed the Bolsheviks to retain control over Russia. Others, like Orlando Figes, state it was ultimately a failure, arguing that under the NEP the peasants grew away from the Bolshevik regime, inviting a future, and brutal, reassertion of central control. This essay will discuss the effectiveness of the NEP economically and politically as well as outlining War Communism and why it failed Michael Lynch argues that ‘By 1921, the grim economic situation had undermined the original justification for war communism. During its operation, industrial and agricultural production had fallen alarmingly. ’ War Communism was first introduced as an extreme economic measure in order to deal with problems created during the Civil War as well as enabling the Army to be fed. However in accordance with Lynch, the policy did not improve Russia’s productivity or indeed the Bolshevik popularity. The existence of the Cheka and the Red Army enabled Lenin to embark on the policy of centralisation. This resulted in a considerable increase in Bolshevik influence in the factories via the infiltration of the Workers’ committees by political commissars. This development helped prepare the way for issuing the Decree of Nationalisation in June 1918 and within two years it brought practically all major industrial enterprises in Russia under central government control. Yet nationalism did nothing to increase production due to being imposed at the time of severe industrial disruption caused initially by the strains of World War One but which worsened during the Civil War. Furthermore the military needs were given priority thus denying resources to those industries not considered essential. The situation was made more serious by factories being deprived of man power as a result of conscription into the Red army and flight from urban areas of large numbers of inhabitants who left in search of food or by means of escape from the Civil War. This led to the population of Petrograd and Moscow to drop by half between 1918 and 1921 causing a dramatic decrease in Russia’s productivity. Problems were deepened further by hyper-inflation. The scarcity of goods and the government’s policy of continuing to print currency notes effectively destroyed the value of money and by the end of 1920 the rouble had fallen to 1% of its worth in 1917. Ultimately War Communism tightened the Bolshevik’s grip on industry but did not lead to economic growth. Agriculture was also largely affected by War Communism. A major purpose of War Communism was to force the peasants to provide more food. However peasants were resistant to the government’s demands and this was largely blamed on the Kulaks who the Bolsheviks claimed were hoarding the grain. As a result the government become infuriated by the peasant’s refusal to conform and condemned them as counter-revolutionaries and restored to coercion. Cheka requisition units were sent into the countryside to take the grain by force. In 1920 the order was given to hang one hundred kulaks publically in order to terrify the population however this seemed to have the reverse effect of the one intended. With the knowledge that any surplus would be confiscated, peasants produced the bare minimum to feed themselves and their family. By 1921 a combination of requisitioning, draught and general disruption of war resulted in national famine with grain harvests in 1920 and 1921 being less than half that gathered in 1913. The matters became so desperate that the Bolsheviks admitted famine and accepted foreign assistance however foreign help was too late to prevent mass starvation. Of the 10 million of the Civil War period over half starved to death. Although War Communism proved catastrophic in terms of industrial and agricultural output the Bolsheviks saw it as true socialism due to the squeezing of the peasants and the ending of private ownership. Even after the Red Army’s victory in the Civil War, the policy of War Communism was maintained. As a short-term measure the policy produced the results Lenin wanted but severity increased Bolshevik unpopularity resulting in a number of minor outbreaks of resistance during the 1920s. But the Kronstadt Rising of 1921 proved to be highly disturbing to Lenin as he described it as the ‘lightening flash that illuminated the true reality of things’. Lynch claims that ‘As long as unrest was confined to the peasants and the Bolsheviks’ political enemies it was a containable problem’ but Lenin began to worry over the development of War Communism within the party itself. The two prominent Bolsheviks involved Alexander Shlyapnikov, labour commissar, and Alexandra Kollontai, who led a ‘workers’ Opposition’ movement against the excess of war communism. Kollontai accused party leaders of losing touch with the proletariat and from this, groups of workers in Petrograd went on strike in early 1921 justifying their actions in the proclamation than change is needed in the policies of the government. By February 1921 thousands of Petrograd workers crossed the naval base on Kronstadt claiming that Russia should be better, not worse, than Tsarist times ,as the Bolshevik government claimed Russia to be a workers’ state. In an attempt to pacify strikers Lenin sent a team of political commissars to Kronstadt who were greeted with derision. In early March, the sailors and workers of Kronstadt produced a manifesto. It was not the demands that frightened the Bolsheviks but the people who drafted them as the workers and sailors of Kronstadt had been great and popular supporters of the Bolsheviks in 1917. Shelia Fitzpatrick describes them as ‘The Kronstadters, heroes of the July Days and supporters of the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution, had become almost legendary figures in Bolshevik mythology. Now they were repudiating the Bolsheviks’ revolution, denouncing ‘the arbitrary rule of the commissar’ and calling for a true society republic of workers and peasants’. The danger for the Bolsheviks was that due to their popularity of the Kronstadters revolted the rest of the people would be due to follow. The rising was finally crushed when Trotsky ordered the Red Army to storm the Kronstadt base with violent results. Lenin took an important lesson from the Kronstadt uprising which was to avoid scandal and embarrassment of another open challenge to his party and government and so decided it was time to soften his severity of war communism leading to the introduction of the NEP in order to tackle the famine and thus prevent further uprising. The majority of historians agree that the NEP was certainly an economic success compared to the catastrophe of War Communism with both Shelia Fitzpatrick and Orlando Figes agreeing that NEP was introduced as ‘an impoverished response to desperate economic conditions’. Lenin is a pragmatic character and so seeing that peasants could not be forced to produce more food so instead must be persuaded and thus temporarily abandon the idea of War Communism. The success of the NEP can in reality only be measured by its aims. The NEP was set up primarily to stabilise the economy; this included decreasing inflation, increasing agricultural and industrial production and re-establishing trade outside of the country. The other major aim of the policy was to minimise the gap between the worker and the peasant in order to get peasant co-operation and support. Due to the fact that the NEP was set up as a result of Kronstadt its other aim is to demolish the possibility of such a rebellion happening again. Many reforms took place in Russia due to the NEP. Under the NEP the Government stopped its policy of requisitioning the peasants entire crop and instead began to take only what was needed to meet the minimum requirements of the army and the urban workers. Fixed tax in kind was introduced and although the peasants were forced to pay the tax, they were now allowed to sell the remainder of their crop for profit. They could sell either privately or to the state. This gave peasants the initiative to grow more crops as a result the grain harvest went up from 37. 6 million tons in 1921 to 72. 5 million tons in 1925. This was a success of the NEP as it increased agricultural production to Russia’s pre-war levels, which helped to stabilise the economy. Nationalisation was minimised with only the large industries remaining under state control. However, this was still a lot as 85% of the workforce worked for state enterprises, the rest for private enterprises or co-operatives. Also conscription of the workforce was abandoned. Over the course of five years, the NEP allowed industrial and agricultural output to rise to its pre-war levels. In this sense, the NEP did achieve economic recovery. However, the NEP was bitterly disliked by many leading communists who saw it as a reversal of everything they believed which will be discussed later in the essay. Although industrial production increased at a slower pace than agricultural production, which caused many problems such as the scissors crisis in 1923, it did increase. For example, coal in 1921 did not exceed 8. million tons while in 1925, it was around 18. 1 million tons, and steel production increased nearly 10 times from 183 thousand tons being produced in 1921 to 2135 thousand tons in 1925. However industry did not attain the same levels of recovery as agriculture and did not reach the pre-war level. This shows that the NEP was successful in increasing industrial production. However, the increase in heavy industry was not as great as light industry, consequently it suffered in comparison. Trade with foreign countries was also reintroduced, as earlier it had been prohibited. The ban against free trade was lifted too so the whole population was permitted to trade with one another. The state only had control over 15% of the trade; the rest was under Nepmen or co-operative control. However, the boom in private trade led to a widening gap between rich and poor. This can clearly be seen by the sudden rise in unemployment in the first two years of the setting up of the NEP. There was a lot of anger focused on the Nepmen, who were seen as the ‘new class’, between rich and poor. The workers also felt resentful towards the Bolsheviks as they felt the NEP was sacrificing their class interests in favour of the peasantry. Therefore although the NEP allowed free trade and re-established foreign trade, not everyone benefited from it. And in fact this lead to the very thing communism went against class. Nepmen became the new beneficiaries, as they grew rich. Also, the gap between rich peasants and poor ones increased as class, once again became an issue. In addition, a new currency was set up to ease the economic problem. This currency was known as the chervontsy. However, they were in heavy demand and only available in large denominations. The rouble was still legal tender until February 1924. Inflation can clearly be seen as in January 1921 there was 1,169 milliards of roubles in circulation and by January 1923 there were 1, 9994,464 milliards. This clearly shows that a change in currency was needed. Although this helped the economy as the rate of inflation decreased slightly, it did not do enough to help the people and their financial difficulties. The NEP did minimise the gap between workers and peasants. The policy meant that peasants could make more of a profit as they were allowed to sell their own produce and trade with others. It also encouraged them to work harder. However, it was the peasants who suffered most due to inflation. Although they made money, it was worth little in industry. In this way the NEP had been partly a success as it had minimised the gap and made things better for the peasants but did not improve everything. As for the NEP’s other aim, that being avoiding another rebellion like Kronstadt, the policy was successful as there was no threat of them ever losing power. Although there were protests against the NEP or some parts of it, overall these were unthreatening to Bolshevik power and were ignored or came to an end after a while. Aside from economic issues, the NEP also caused dispute amongst the Bolsheviks themselves in political terms. As Fitzpatrick argues ‘From the communist standpoint NEP was a retreat, and a partial admission of failure. Many Communists felt deeply disillusioned: it seemed that the revolution had changed so little. ’ The NEP was a mixture of socialism and capitalism and was referred to as a â€Å"step back† for the Bolsheviks as they had just defended socialism in the civil war but was now retreating into capitalism and the â€Å"old ways†. A major objection from the Bolsheviks was the reintroduction of money and private trading had created the Nepmen. It was the profiteering that Victor Serge, a representative of the Left Bolsheviks, had in mind when he described the immediate social effects of NEP: ‘the cities we ruled over assumed a foreign aspect, we felt ourselves sinking into the mire. Money lubricated and befouled the entire machine just as under capitalism’ As the NEP had become such a contentious issue among the Bolsheviks Lenin introduced the banning of factionalism as well as outlawing all other parties except from Bolshevism. The object of this was to eliminate party disputes and political rivals and to a certain extent this worked. In conclusion, the NEP was successful to a certain extent. Because of the New Economic Policy the Soviet economy revived quickly. There was more food from the farmers; there were goods in the shops and outdoor markets, However many Bolshevik members did not consider the NEP as socialism and thought that it was a betrayal of communist principles. On the whole the NEP was a success. It met most of its aims. The policy helped stabilise the crumbling economy and re-established pre-war levels. The policy decreased the rate of inflation, it increased agricultural and industrial production, it allowed free trade and re-established foreign trade. However, some of these aims it only met partly. For example although the rate of inflation did decrease it was still very high and the NEP did not stop it completely. Industry production also suffered as a result of the NEP. Although its production increased its prices rose due to the fast increase of agriculture. Trade also caused problems like the re-establishment of classes. So these aims were only partly successful and created many other problems. The NEP tried to minimise the gap between peasants and workers. Many of the aims in stabilising the economy were for the peasants’ benefits like the end of requisitioning and allowing them to trade. However, the high prices in industry and high inflation left the peasants with money which was not worth as much. However, the policy did try to get peasant support. It was partly successful in bringing workers and peasants together, however many workers felt let down by the party that was supposed to cater to their needs. The fact no major rebellions threatened the Communists shows that the policy had kept many people happy and those that protested were insignificant or in such small numbers they were unable to mount a decent threat on the party. Thus the NEP was one of the major factors that had enabled the survival of Communism in Russia. The step back from socialism and the reintroduction of capitalism had worked. Peasant uprisings virtually ceased, the economy recovered and the Bolshevik regime was consolidated

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Elderly Drivers Outline

Elderly Drivers Specific Purpose: We want our audience to agree that the physically disabled elderly people need to retake their test or prove that they can drive before actually getting behind the wheel of a car. Thesis Statement: These elderly drivers, who are physically disabled, should not be driving without retaking the test or doing something to prove they are still capable to drive. I. Elderly are terrible drivers. A. The elderly are an increasing population of bad drivers, because of their health. B.Those include medical conditions like diabetes, having heart problems, having poor eyesight and being delusional. C. People with health risk or even something simple as just wearing glasses should â€Å"renew† their license, and to pass should have to take a small series test as simple as an eye exam. D. Overall, people over the age of 70 should have to perform a simple test to renew their license. II. Problem: According to the U. S. Census Bureau, the population of drivers 70 and older is expected to increase from 27. 8 million in 2010 to 51. 7 million in 2030 and 67 million in 2050.The rapid increase in the older driver population has led to concerns about the potential effects on traffic safety associated with this trend. A. Based on data reported by states to the Federal Highway Administration, there were approximately 22. 3 million licensed drivers 70 and older in 2010. B. A NHTSA study of 1995 FARS (Fatal Accident Reporting System) data reports that senior citizens accounted for: * 5% of all people injured in traffic crashes * 13% of all traffic fatalities * 13% of all vehicle occupant fatalities * 18% of all pedestrian fatalities C.If the elderly continue to drive as their health problems increase, they will not only be putting their selves at risk, but the rest of the population as well. III. Criteria for Solution: The solutions cannot be physically, mentally, or emotionally harmful to the driver. It has to be fair, affordable, and feasible. I V. Possible Solutions: There are a number of solutions that could help prevent harm to drivers of old age. A. Re-test the people over the age of 70+ in every state. B. Give mid-year health check-ups on the elderly to check their capability to drive an automobile. C.On the license plate of an elderly driver, have an identifier on it to signify that it is an elderly driver. D. Make it mandatory to have a passenger with a license to ride in the car with them. E. Check for any diseases, and health risks that would put the driver at risk or being hurt. F. Make sure the person knows the area they drive in. It has to be familiar to them. V. Best Possible Solution: Re-Test the elderly after a certain age. A. Maryland state law allows police, doctors, and residents including relatives to refer potentially unfit drivers to the Motor Vehicle Administration's Medical Advisory Board.B. A 2004 Florida law requiring that older drivers pass a vision test before getting a license renewed has helped cut the death rate among drivers 80 and older by 17%, according to researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Conclusion: In conclusion, we believe people should have to retake a driving test and vision and hearing test every few years to prove they are still safe and capable drivers. Reflective Thinking Sequence 1. Elderly drivers cause younger drivers to have road rage and put their self at risk. We can limit the problem by making drivers at the age of 70 retake the driving test. . The causes of the problem are the elderly’s vision and hearing getting bad. As they get older, they face more problems. 3. The effects of the problem are people getting hurt or put into danger. The driver puts their self into danger and then gets hurt by other drivers or other drivers hurt them. 4. The criteria in which the solutions should be judged are: Health checkups every few years, have another responsible driver in the car with the elderly, and/or retake the driving test at th e age of 70. 5. A possible solution is to have the driver retake the driving test at the age of 70.A strength would be better drivers on the road. A weakness is they may not want to retake the test. 6. The best solution is to make it mandatory for drivers at the age of 70 to retake the test. 7. We can put it into effect by making the retest a requirement at the age of 70. It’s not illegal because some states already put this into effect. Citations â€Å"Elderly Driving. † Elderly Driving. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. ;http://www. stritch. luc. edu/depts/injprev/Transprt/tran3. htm;. â€Å"Fatality Facts: Elderly. † Fatality Facts: Elderly. Transsaftey Inc, n. d.Web. 29 Nov. 2012. ;http://www. usroads. com/journals/rilj/0101/ri010102. htm;. Copeland, L. (2009, July 6). States seek tests for older drivers. . Retrieved from http://usatoday30. usatoday. com/news/nation/2009-07-05-older-drivers_N. htm Taira, E. D. , M. Maynard, and M. J. Madigan. Assessing the dr iving ability of the elderly, a preliminary investigation. Binghampton, New York: Routledge, 1991. 215. Print. Rothe, John, Peter Cooper, and Brian De Vires. The Safety Of Elderly Drivers: Yesterdays Young, Todays Traffic. Transaction Publishers, 1990. 435. Print.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Comparison of two movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparison of two movies - Essay Example As opposed to this, Medea throwing upon the palace doors dramatically is a symbolic representation of the woman breaking out of captivity to the male and her assumption of dominance. When Alsemero sends De Flores into the closet, his tightly pursed lips and downcast eyes, coupled with the manner in which he bangs on the cupboard with a fist, eloquently speak of his inner tension and anger because De Flores has usurped the place Beatrice’s virginity that was rightfully his to claim. Such inner tension and deep anguish are also revealed through the same means in the clip of Medea, when Jason realizes that Medea has killed his children. When he hears the news about the death of his children, his body sags forward on his knees, his head drops and his clenched fists are raised in agony. The eternal nature of this despair is further enhanced as dark clouds fill the horizon, visually symbolizing Jason’s distress, deepening with the darkening clouds as Medea leaves in the sky. Beatrice is the woman punished for her crime of passion with DeFlores, Medea is the one who punishes Jason for his infidelity with another woman. The rebellion of both women through succumbing to their darker emotions is symbolized through the blood color red, which appears to symbolize the power and violence underlying the intense emotions of lust and jealousy (Bellantoni, 2005). Beatrice’s expression in the closet reflects her inner shame and the pain she is experiencing from the wound De Flores has inflicted on her. Yet, her face is uptilted and her eyes glow as she looks at De Flores and the manner in which she cups his face and looks into his eyes suggests that her hatred may have well turned into love. Her blood stained hand is a reminder of the evil inherent in the passion that has been born out of murder. This lends further credibility to the role of whore who has succumbed to her darker passions. DeFlores’ expression is triumphant and he

Sunday, July 28, 2019

HR practice and consultance Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

HR practice and consultance - Term Paper Example The study will be based upon the consultancy process of the HRM. It will evaluate the ‘gaining entry to the organisation’ and other aspects in the hiring process. Different kinds of approaches of the consultancy process will be evaluated and discussed which will best suit the organisation. Overview Consultancy Process Human resource professional’s most important task is related to hiring of the employees along with other job responsibilities. In the HR process, finding the right candidate or qualified applicant for a particular job, filling the vacancy, upgrading the positions, creating new job, promoting employees and other necessary activities are the vital parts for the selection of the right applicant (University of Virginia, 2010). In order to get a clear understanding about the consultancy process, it would be better to take up a particular organisation. For this purpose the UK based multinational company, BP Plc, has been considered. It is a multi-national organisation that operates in the oil, gas and energy industry globally. There are thirty strategic performing units and other specialist support functioning departments. There are problems faced by the BP Plc such as shortage of professionals in the energy sector. Without appropriate number of personnel in this sector, it will be hard to uplift the future. Skilful and expert personnel are required. This gap can be bridged with the appropriate consultancy process that will assist in providing framework for the entry to the organisation (BP PLC, 2010). Entry to the Organisation The entry to the organisation is the initial phase in any consulting process. During this phase the interaction between the applicant and the HR manager takes place, where the HR tries to acquire knowledge about the applicant as much as possible. The outcomes of the consulting, discussion, and the planning phase are then presented in the consulting contract. The signature of the applicant with the HR manager c oncludes the initial phase (Kubr, M & International Labour Office, 2002). In the phase of distinctive consulting intervention, the client and consultant execute a set of activities that are necessary for the achievement of desired changes and purposes. The activities that are involved are generally known as the ‘consulting processes’. The process is well defined and has clear beginning and end which assist in relationship building. Between the initial phase and the end phase, there are several phases that aid both the client and the consultant to be methodical and systematic, from operations to operations proceeding from one phase to another (BSC, 2002). Processes or Phases of the Consultancy Process There are various phases or ways of subdividing the consultancy process that are found generally in different kind of literatures by various authors. There are many instigators who have provided several phases in the process that range from three to ten. For the BP Plc, whi ch is an organisation belonging to the energy sector; a simple five-phase model would be suitable that consists of the â€Å"comprising entry, diagnosis, action planning, implementation and termination†

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Visual Anaylsis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Visual Anaylsis - Essay Example During these processes, they ensure that their work has the necessary visual appeal and is effective rhetorically. This paper will lucidly analyze the provided two photos, in A and B, and come up with the author’s intended message. Part A In the photo, is a woman dressed elegantly in a white robe, a necklace, and golden bangles. She has a white cloth with golden spots all over it. On the right hand-side of the beautiful woman is a pot of fish. There is a black cat trying to het some fish out of the pot. The cat has white spots at the mouth regions. It uses its right forward limb in the attempt to extract fish from the pot. The pot has translucent feature exposing the fish inside to the viewers. The woman is gazing directly at the viewers, an implication that the camera angle was a large one allowing for the direct and non-oblique photography (Plett, 2004 p 88). According to her dressing code, jewelries, and posture, it is arguably true that the woman has sexy or romantic look. On the other hand, she portrays some innocence in her face. Moreover, the color of her dressing suggests another aspect of love. She has a golden shiny and attractive dress. Romance, in works of arts, is always considered or depicted through the wearing or putting on of attractive and colorful dressings such as orange, yellow, and golden, like in this case. Attraction in the clothing is boosted by the attractive look on the woman’s face. The direct gaze of the woman also suggests the act or the attribute of courageousness. The framing of the photograph allowed for the full exposure of the woman’s face, while hiding other parts, especially the legs. Most people consider facial expression and outlook before being driven by sexual desires towards the opposite genders (Redding, 1987 p29). It is, therefore, conclusive that the woman has a sexually attractive face that is suggestive to the opposite sex. The author of this photo has also portrayed his excellence in the appli cation of colors to communicate his messages to the people. To begin with, the background color in the photo is a mixture of red and black. Red is the most distributed in the photo. However, its visibility is hindered by the black color that submerged it. Red color, as stated earlier, has a symbolic meaning of love and romance (Needman, 1999 p 98). The idea of black or dark color covering it implies that the virtues of love in a given society are seriously interfered with. The fish in the pot have light red colors depicting another meaning in the photo. Red color, in artistry has two major symbolic meanings. First, it represents love as thematic concern of the photo author. Secondly, it is a color of blood, normally portraying danger, as a theme in literature. In this case, the fish in the pot are faced with the danger of death approaching them as the cat struggles to get its meal out of their bodies. The cat has a black color. Black, in works of art, depicts the theme of uncertaint y and unacceptable immoral behaviors in the society. Finally, the author has also used white color; the cat’s mouth has white coloration. Coloration, in works of arts, not only gives photos attractive and visible looks, they also enhance or facilitate the author’s thematic messages to the people. In this case, bright golden color serves the purpose of enhancing the theme of love or romance in the author’s society. The submerged red color does the same. Black color

Installation of Cameras on Highways and Roads Research Paper

Installation of Cameras on Highways and Roads - Research Paper Example The rationale behind the enforcement of this project is to reduce the number of accidents casualties, particularly at accident black spots (Marcus Nieto, 1997). A speed camera or a traffic enforcement camera is a camera mounted on roads and highways, to monitor traffic movements on the motorway. These cameras are highly sophisticated to be able to read vehicle registration numbers in case of Highway Code violations. The cameras are able to detect the speed of a moving vehicle, and if found to be overspeeding, a call is then made to police patrol vehicles that are waiting nearby. Speed enforcement cameras are highly effective tools for discouraging speeding and consequently, reducing road accidents. Point-to-point speed cameras, for example, calculate the average speed of a moving vehicle over a stretch of the road or highway and discourage motorists from the habit of speeding up then slowing down near fixed safety cameras to avoid detection. Red light cameras are cameras that are connected to traffic signals and sensors buried at the stop line or the crosswalk. The cameras are highly effective in identifying traffic light violators by continuously monitoring the traffic signals. The red light cameras are especially useful in cities, where they enforce traffic regulations by automatically taking photos of vehicles whose drivers run the red lights. The red light cameras rely heavily on the sensors buried under the stop line, to enforce the traffic laws. The cameras are triggered when vehicles pass over the sensors at a specified time after the traffic lights turn red, and above a pre-set minimum speed. The photograph shows the vehicle of the red light violator at the intersection. The red light camera records the time elapsed since the commencement of the red light, the time, date and vehicle speed.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Case of Spirit Airlines Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The of Spirit Airlines - Case Study Example The flights operate chiefly from and to South Florida, Latin America along with the Caribbean. The airline focuses on capturing the market of people traveling by air with the low fares. They believe that this market of air travelers have always been served with high costs and their strategy of low airfares grant them the prospect of continuous growth. This prospect also facilitates their sustained existence in the industry. The company employs the model of the ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC) in their business. This model of ULCC assists the company to make available their services at low-fares which entails the fundamental service. The company also offers an assortment of elective services that can be availed with the help of extra charges. The company generally targets the people who are leisure travelers with the help of their low-cost services. Their unique services and low airfares have earned them immense popularity in the US placing them among the best airline companies in the co untry in spite of the increase in the fuel prices. The biggest strength that has placed the company among the best airlines companies is their low-cost design. The operating expenses of the company were stated to be one of the lowest amongst all the airlines' companies functioning in the US. It is believed that this advantage of cost enables them to defend their position in the airline's industry and facilitates them to make available such low fares in the market, keep up the working margins and hold up the constant development and expansion. Although, the airlines had to increase their costs of tickets from the year 2009-2010 owing to the boost in the fuel prices they still managed to keep up their revenue and be counted among the best airlines of the US.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 165

Essay Example I began my high school life at a very good school, specializing in math and physics. However, because my math score wasn’t satisfactory, I was asked to leave the school. Thereafter, I went to another high school that focused on English studies. I still remember the day I walked into the classroom and saw my English teacher; she was so beautiful that her eyes brought me great warmth and caring, although I didn’t understand her first words to me, which were â€Å"good morning†. You have to take learning English one step at a time but at last I learned basic English which how to read, speak and write. Despite the process of language learning, it is good to look at the Chinese culture regarding food. For instance, the Thai food which most Chinese love to eat. I was born and raised in China for around 20 years. It is so surprising that I found Chinese food in US was so much different from what I had in China. They may change the recipe but the ways chefs here cook the food are still similar to people do in China. I still remember once I talk to my roommate, who is one fourth Chinese, telling her that the common dish â€Å"Orange Chicken† does not exist in China actually. In this case, I think I am the person who is able to tell whether a dish is authentic or not because I am the one who was born and live in the country, share the value of the majority in the nation, involved in the cultural atmosphere and influenced by the context where the dish began to developed its popularity in the nation. It is also interesting to talk about the moon cake gambling festival in china. The Moon cake gambling is originated from southern part of China, including Xiamen Fujian, as well as Taiwan. This traditional activity was first played for winning moon cakes. In other words, in the past people ran the game to decide who will have the moon cake and enjoy the victory of being luckiest person during the whole year. However, the gabling for moon cake

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Human Resource Management in Sweden Research Paper

Human Resource Management in Sweden - Research Paper Example As per Hofstede there are four broad cultural dimensions along which societies can be differentiated i.e. power distance, individualism, masculinity and uncertainty avoidance. Power distance comprises the extent to which less influential individuals of a society accept discrimination in society. This acceptance level varies along different culture. Individualism culture focuses on societies where people are concerned about self-interest and interest of family only while collectivism refers to a culture where individuals protect the society’s interest. Masculine culture expects men as compared to women of society to play the assertive and ambitious role who strive for material success and it defines a caring and serving role for women. Feminine culture on other hand defines an overlapping role for both men and women and it focuses on interpersonal relationship and shows concern for the weak. Sweden is depicted with a feminine culture as it does not require any gender to be more ambitious and highly competitive. A culture which avoid uncertainty is active, security seeking and intolerant while a culture which accepts uncertainty tolerant, less aggressive and unemotional (Vitell et al). In Table 2 index for Sweden has been given on the basis of power distance (PDI), Individualism (IDV), Masculinity (MAS), Uncertainty avoidance index(UAI). From the Table2 we see that Sweden is not likely to avoid uncertainty. They are risk oriented. We also see that Sweden is more of a feminine country which emphasizes on relationship with people than with money. Swedish businessmen prefer appropriate code of behavior in business meeting. They believe in reaching a solution via joint decisions. They believe in facts, delivery schedule and need a longer period of time to inculcate shared information. Since they believe in consensus for a solution so they worry about what others might think of them

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dog Bite Law - The Diane Whipple Case Research Paper

Dog Bite Law - The Diane Whipple Case - Research Paper Example No one else was seen in the immediate area. The victim was Diane Whipple, a lacrosse coach, who lived in an apartment a short distance from the apartment where the dogs lived. San Francisco General Hospital pronounced Diane Whipple dead at 8:55 p.m. that night. Bane and Hera, the Presa Canario dogs that savagely killed Whipple were originally bred for fighting, guarding and herding in the Canary Islands. The breed, being almost extinct in the 1950s, was mixed with mastiffs and others and reintroduced in the US in the 90s. The dogs were obtained through a website called â€Å"Dog-o’-War.† The dogs lived inside the apartment of Robert Edward Noel, Attorney-at-law and Marjorie F. Knoller, Attorney-at-Law, his wife. The Suit: Sharon Smith, Diane Whipple’s life partner, filed a wrongful death suite against the dogs’ owners on March 12, 2001. The criminal law applicable to the case against Noel was Death caused by a mischievous animal and involuntary manslaughte r. And the criminal law applicable to Knoller was death caused by mischievous animal, involuntary manslaughter, and second-degree murder. The basis for the charges and recovery against Noel and Knoller were formed from three theories of California law. In the state of California the owner of the dog is liable for dog bit injuries unless the victim was a trespasser on the property or provoked the dog. Noel and Knoller claimed that they were not owners of the dogs but â€Å"trustees.† This indicated they intended to defend themselves against a civil suit on the grounds that they were not the owners. They were also subject to either one or both of the defendants being negligent in handling of the dogs. The final basis of recovery was common law and liability for keeping a dog that has dangerous tendencies. If Noel and Knoller had known that the dogs Bane and Hera had dangerous traits to kill and attack a person, then both could be held accountable. In any dog bite case, possible civil defendants can include owners and caretakers of the dog, the landlord and property manager where the dogs resided, the breeder, trainers and even others. The legal basis for all civil claims is negligence. In order for landlords and property managers to be held accountable, they would need to have actual knowledge that the dogs had bitten another person or exhibited dangerous tendencies. Since Whipple died the legal coarse of action is for â€Å"wrongful death.† Whoever can inherit your property if you die without a will can also sue for your wrongful death. Sharon Smith and Edythe Pamela Whipple-Kelly filed wrongful death suits against the dog’s owners and against the owner and property manager of the apartment building where the dogs lived. The value of the case is based on the value of the person’s life and their relation to the person suing. Therefore, it is very hard to establish a rule on potential damages. The Prosecutor’s Case: The belief t hat the breed Presa Canario dogs are dangerous was the basis for the prosecutions case. Noel and Knoller were fully aware that these particular dogs had bitten people and animals, but neither took precautions to protect someone like Whipple. A witness, Neil Bardack, testified that Knoller knew she could not control the dogs, as he had seen the dogs dragging her down the street in the past. There were other witnesses that testified the dogs had previously attacked them or shown extreme aggression. It was determined that Noel and Knoller

Monday, July 22, 2019

Albert Camus Essay Example for Free

Albert Camus Essay How Aschenbach and Meursault in Death in Venice and The Stranger respectively, are driven by mind initially then change to being driven by the heart as the result of a key event In both The Stranger and Death in Venice, the characters change as the book progresses. There is mainly one action that sparks this drastic change. In The Stranger, this action is the murder of Raymonds mistress brother, and in Death in Venice this critical moment occurs when Aschenbach has the sudden urge to travel. Aschenbach and Meursault are both characters that move from one extreme to the other. They begin as characters who make decisions based solely on what their mind tells them. As the novel develops, these characters move to the other extreme, which is making decisions based solely on what their heart tells them. This transition from extreme logical thinking to extreme emotional thinking is what leads to the downfall of both Aschenbach and Meursault. As the novel begins, Thomas Mann introduces Aschenbach as a fairly likable German writer. Initially the reader sees Aschenbach as a normal character anyone can relate to. He lives a very stable life, and has never traveled before. Aschenbach is a character who is extremely involved in his work and one who organizes his entire life based on how he can best achieve quality in his work. At this point in the novel Aschenbach makes all his decisions using his mind rather than his heart. While taking a stroll, Aschenbach sees a man with red hair as well as long teeth. It is this man that pushes his mind in to traveling. Aschenbach begins to change as soon as he sets his mind to travel. In his daydream regarding his adventure he envisions a landscape, a tropical swampy region under a vapor-laden sky, damp, luxuriant and uncanny; it was like the portrait of a primitive world of islands morasses and slit-laden rivers (pg 3, Mann). The symbol of Aschenbachs departure on this journey is the sign of the beginning of his decline. It is from this point on that Aschenbach transforms from being a normal man who makes logical decisions with is brain, to one that makes decisions with his heart. As Aschenbachs journey progresses, he notices many men with red hair and long white teeth like the one that inspired him to travel. This shows the constant rapid declining of Aschenbach. His first sight of Tadzio in the hotel marks the beginning of the extreme heart-driven Aschenbach. His description of Tadzio clearly portrays his obsession. With astonishment Aschenbach observed that the boy was perfectly beautiful. His face, pale and charmingly secretive with the honey-colored hair curling around it, with its straight-sloping nose, its lovely mouth and its expression of sweet and divine earnestness recalled Greek statues of the noblest period, and, along with its extremely pure perfection of form, it was of such unique personal charm that the onlooker thought he had never come across anything so felicitous either in nature or in art (pg 20, Mann). Once Aschenbach begins to follow Tadzios every step, the reader notices that Aschenbach is becoming more and more indulged in Tadzios life rather than his own. His head and his heart were drunk, and his steps followed the dictates of that dark god whose pleasure it is to trample mans reason and dignity underfoot. Even when Aschenbach learns of an epidemic, he realizes that if he dies along with Tadzio, they will be able to meet in heaven. Aschenbach loses total control of his mind and gives in to Venice, a city, half fairy tale and half tourist trap, in whose insalubrious air the arts once rankly and voluptuously blossomed, where composers have been inspired to lulling tones of somniferous eroticism. Even when given the opportunity to leave Venice and escape cholera, his love for Tadzio weighs him down. Aschenbach then has fantasies about everyone else dying, and him being left alone with Tadzio. Now it can be clearly seen that Aschenbachs passion is coming directly from the heart, and no thinking is being done on his part. This extreme obsession from Aschenbachs heart immediately leads to his downfall. He dies in his chair, and it is hours before anyone notices. Albert Camus introduces Meursault as a character people are quite taken aback by.

Emotional Memory Essay Example for Free

Emotional Memory Essay Emotional memory pertains to an individual’s recollection of incidents that have occurred in the past. The mechanism behind such strong retention is mainly based on the emotions that are associated with that particular event, resulting in a increased level of attention that facilitates encoding of the event in the memory of an individual. Emotional memory is also involved in ruminations of the occurrence, regardless of the length of time that has already passed away since the actual event. This kind of memory can be distinguished from other neurobiological concepts of memory because its retention is very strong due to the influence of emotions, which technically magnifies details of the incident. Research has shown that emotional memory is imprinted in the cortical region of the brain. This description is supported by observations that several neural activities occur in the cortex, thus facilitating memory retention. Several studies have indicated that emotional memory involves two major processes, namely encoding and post-encoding. The first process of encoding involves the heightened level of attention of an individual during the actual event, while post-encoding pertains to the consolidation of the details of the event after the actual incident, coupled with enhancement that is triggered by the emotions that were set off at that time. One prime example of an emotional memory is the vivid recall of an accident that is associated with physical injury and blood. Regardless of the length of time that the incident has occurred, the individual who was involved in the accident is still capable of remembering the accident even after several years. One complication of emotional memory is that an individual finds it difficult to dissociate his emotions with regards to a particular incident. It is thus extremely hard for an individual to go back to the site of an accident if this person almost died at that time. It has been suggested that evolution also plays a role in emotional memory, wherein the brain of human beings has acquired the capacity to retain details of an event in order to survive that particular incident. It may thus be possible that through fear, early primates and other higher mammals may have learned to stay away from predators and other harmful environmental components in order to survive in the wild. These species may have adapted such modes of memory by being subjected to extreme discomfort or pain that is related to incidents such as toxin exposure or predation and thus their perception for harmful conditions may have been imprinted in their brains and possibly passed on to their offspring. The exact mechanism behind the retrieval of memories associated with a particular incident based on emotional settings still remains elusive up to this date. The unique feature of storage for a prolonged period of time further complicates the pathway and several analysts have attempted to address this question. Neurobiologists have suggested that emotional memory may be act as a complete process unless an individual is able to retrieve the information associated with a specific incident in the past. Storage of information, or encoding, is simply one component of the entire emotional memory pathway yet the retrieval of specific information is essential in determining that the entire process has been completed. It has also been suggested that emotional memory is easier to access over the neutral events, and this is also partly due to the role of amygdala, which influences how the hippocampus functions at such events. In addition to the emotional influence, sleep also sways the brain to remember specific incidents, wherein the amount of sleep can result in a positive or negative condition for memory. According to Sterpenic et al. (2007), memory is influenced by sleep through the imposition of neural correlates. Through the application of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a comparison of neural connections was examined among subjects who were able to sleep for a sufficient amount of time and those who were deprived of sleep. The investigation was designed towards a stage wherein the subjects were allowed to undergo post-encoding, which is one of the two stages of emotional memory. The investigation showed that subjects who received enough hours of sleep had the ability to remember the positive events that occurred. On the other hand, an interesting observation came from those subjects who were subjected to a particular negative event. They observed that regardless of sufficiency or lack of sleep, the subject participant was able to retain the details of the negative event, most probably through the characteristic emotion that was generated from the negative stimuli. Another observation gathered by neurobiologists regarding emotional memory was that several regions of the brain were responsible in retaining such details and emotions. The two major brains areas involved in emotional memory were the hippocampus and the cortex. Specific regions of the cortex that were responsible for emotional memory included the prefrontal cortex, which is also involved in criminality. It seems that negative emotions, such as that involved in emotional memory, are largely stored in this region of the brain. Moreover, fMRI scanning showed a functional connection between these two regions of the brain and the combinatorial effect of these regions was magnified when the incident is featured with negative stimuli or emotions. It is interesting to know that sleep may also have a selective effect on the memory of an individual. The amygdala was observed to only stimulate the hippocampus for encoding when a negative event has occurred and this happens with or without sleep. On the other hand, a happy incident will only be stored in the hippocampus if an individual receives enough sleep. Such selective storage of details may be largely influenced by emotions during that particular event, and not simply by the amount of time that an individual was able to sleep. Such kinds of research investigations are thus important in the providing a better understanding of how emotions influence an individual’s memory and ultimately, one’s mental condition. It has also been shown that emotions play a major role in the storage of details in the brain. In an investigation that involved manipulation of the context of emotion of subject participants, the activity of the neural networks in the brain was examined. A specific memory tested also allowed the comparison of retrieval capacities of the brain and the research conducted by Smith et al. (2005) showed that the presence of emotions increased the likelihood that an individual will retain the details of the incident. The emotional memory tested in this study showed that the actual area of brain involved in this mechanism is the left side of the amygdala, as well as the left side of the frontotemporal region of the cortex. The study also showed that the right side of the amydala and the frontotemporal cortex was not capable enough of storing details of a specific incident, regardless of its coupling to emotions. It is thus possible that when an individual has damaged the left side of his brain, then it is impossible for him to recall any other details of his past. It should also be understood that cognition is mainly based on memory as well as emotion, yet for several yesterday there were not attempts performed into looking into the finer details of the pathway. In addition, there were also only a few reported regarding the interaction of the amygdala and the cortex and on how these two regions responded to each other’s messages. The advent of high definition imaging technologies such as the magnetic resonance imaging allowed the visualization of internal regions of the brain that were perceived to be unreachable by an other analytical means. References Smith, A. P. , Henson, R. N. , Rugg, M. D. and Dolan, R. J. (2005). Modulation of retrieval processing reflects accuracy of emotional source memory. Learning and Memory, 12, 472–479. Sterpenich, V. , Albouy, G. , Boly, M. , Vandewalle, G. , Darsaud, A. , Balteau, E. , Dang-Vu, T. T. , Desseilles. M. , D’Argembeau, A. , Gais, S. , Rauchs, G. , Schabus, M. , Degueldre, C. , Luxen, A. , Collette, F. , Maquet, P. (2007). Sleep-related hippocampo-cortical interplay during emotional memory recollection. PloS Bi

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Life Cycle Analysis To Assess District Energy

Life Cycle Analysis To Assess District Energy Introduction Life Cycle Analysis is the method used by individuals working in procurement to assess District Energy. This is done so as to understand the amount needed to create cooling on the site; though this analysis is carried out for the duration of 20 40 years and then it is equated with district cooling proposal. The concept of Life Costing is being widely used because of the productivity associated with it. Practically, mechanical / electrical equipment live short lives, but energy consumption, maintenance and renewal programmes are expenses. Both present and future costs are genuine, Example, in a rolling maintenance programme for major installations capital comes from the same fund. If these situations can be met then whole-life costing is vital. (Ferry 1964) Use of Whole life costing methods within the mechanical and electrical installations s most profitable since the amount of money spent on these is always growing. Variances between expenditure and running cost are constant in evaluation of energy-consuming systems. Drawbacks affecting calculations for whole-life costing is unaccountable in building fabric, because, Firstly, running costs of energy-consuming systems equate to considerable sum of the total whole-life costs. Secondly, restrictions on life span of mechanical / electrical installations and since they become obsolete quickly imply these installations should be considered for shorter periods as compared to building fabric. Thirdly, assumptions are held over short period time frames, any hypothesis on cost, interest rates and taxation are possibly more legitimate. (Ferry 1964) Fig 4.1 displays the proportional values of the various life cycle costs that a building owner would need to consider in order to produce cooling on site. (Damecour 2008) As can be seen in the above diagram, there are 3 clear parts to manufacture cooling on site; Natural gas or electricity, Operation and maintenance and Capital. Capital costs Capital for equipment is a fraction of the total installation cost. It is critical to consider this when deciding on what amount can be reduced by using district cooling system. For example in chiller plants, the chiller and cooling towers make up 25% of total cost. [See fig4.2] (Damecour 2008) Operation and maintenance: To operate chillers and cooling towers there is a need for well trained staff and budget for wear and tear of machines. Chillers need water and chemicals to work accurately. It is mandatory for the owner to insure all heavy machinery such as boilers, chillers and cooling towers. Besides, heavy machinery is sold with warranty contracts. Details of Case Study This case study evaluates the capital connected with a district cooling plant and Air cooled chiller package, but over a time frame of 30 years. The particulars of both are below. District Cooling Plant Employer: Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (EMPOWER), Dubai Engineer for the Works: Ellerbe Becket Inc and Tebodin Middle East Ltd. Scope of work: The capacity of the job involved supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a central cooling plant. The plant will have a capacity of 56,000 tonnes of refrigeration. The specification of the building is 135 metres long x 40 metres wide and 37 metres high from basement floor level to the top of the parapet wall. Transgulf Electomechanical LLC, are the contractor on this project and will perform all functions relating to mechanical, electrical, process, civil and architectural components, including supply and installation of machinery. The capacity of work extends towards supply and installation of the instrumentation and controls in two phases for up to 40 ETSs (Energy transfer stations) located in developers buildings around DHCC area and wiring them back to the central plant. It includes engineering as required, procurement and provision of manpower, materials, equipment and two years defect liability period. Project Time Schedule: In March 2008, the first 18000 tons of refrigeration has been connected to the pipeline network. The balance load will happen during part II of the work. The details of the equipment installed are indicated in the Annexure 4.1. District cooling system model Firstly, chilled water is scattered between DCS and buildings through a three-level chilled water piping system, which comprises of production loop with constant speed pump. Each chiller has a dedicated production loop pump, and the two are controlled together. Secondly, distribution loop pumps defeat pressure loss, as acquired by chilled water flowing between DCS and the buildings. Distribution is hydraulically separated from production loop by existence of separate bypass pipes between the loops. All distribution loop pumps have changeable speed. Thirdly, secondary loop in each building includes a number of changeable speeds, with variable flow chilled pumps, for distributing chilled water through the airside apparatus in the building. Heat exchangers are built-in to segregate distribution loop of DCS from secondary loop in each building, which keeps system pressure in the distribution loop at a low. Lastly, there are total 4 zones T1, T2, T3 and T4 as indicated in the drawing (Fig 4.3) which shows the location of the ETS stations and the load detail. The load details of Phase I are in Annexure 4.2. Air Cooled Chiller Package Transgulf Electromechanical has provided information on air cooled chiller package for comparison. Employer : Dubai World Trade Centre Engineer : RMJM consultants. Capacity of chiller : 275 TR Type : Air cooled chiller Information on machinery, model number and power consumption are in annexure 4.3. Factors considered for costing 1. The real cooling capacity that a building needs is a much lower number than the chiller capacity. On the basis of the design cooling loads predicted for the twenty one buildings in four building zone the connected load is 18000 TR and the actual load is 15738 TR. Accordingly the district cooling plant is designed for 8 chillers working (8 x 2000 TR = 16000 TR) and 1 standby (2000 TR). The connected load (17796 TR) correlates to sum of fixed capacity of the chiller plants needed by each building if each had a plant, but 16000 TR relates to the cooling capacity required of a DCS to serve 21 ETS stations. Outcome of diversity in cooling load among buildings can be taken advantage of by using district cooling plant to serve groups of buildings. Air cooled chiller packages are in multiples of 275 TR (66 chiller packages) as total load of 18150 TR to be fixed in 21 buildings. 2. Study is based on NPV (present worth value) and EAC (equivalent annual cost); across initial and operating costs. Choice depends on which requires least LCC (life-cycle cost) and can execute the duty for its life span. (Al Daini et al 2002). Comparisons are made only between co-terminated proposals, to guarantee comparable results. Co-termination means, lives of systems involved end at the same time, which is not the case in this work. When alternatives have unequal lives, time span for analysis can be set by common multiples of system lives or a study period ending with disposal of all systems. Common-multiple method is used to accommodate NPV for unequal-life systems. Like in this case study, least common multiple is 30 years for the district cooling plant. This means the air cooled chilled package has a lifetime of 15 years; and would be substituted once during the analysis period. The total NPV for analysis is derived by adding the NPV of single entity considered, both future single payment (i.e. replacement cost) items and series of equal future payment (i.e. annual operating cost). The value of money is the job of available interest rates and inflation rate. In equivalent annual method, all costs incurred over time are changed to an equal yearly amount. The EAC comparison method is most fitting, especially for systems that comprise of many subsystems with unequal life spans. In this case, there is no need to assume the replacement of a system. 3. Owning Costs: Economic analysis demands derivation of first cost and operational costs for every projected selection. It is significant in correctly assessing to reach a final decision, for overall approach and system choices. Life cycle cost evaluation comprises of first costs, utility costs, maintenance costs, operational costs, utility escalation rates and owners cost of money. (Richards et al 2000). There are four rudiments to calculate annual owning costs: Initial cost, Analysis or study period, Cost of capital and other periodic costs like replacement, refurbishment or disposal fees. These combined with operating costs, equates to economic analysis. (ASHRAE 2003) Initial costs A fair ballpark of capital cost of parts has resulted from cost records of installations of similar le design or quotations from manufacturers and contractors or referring market available cost- estimations. Analysis period Time span during which an economic analysis is carried out affects the outcome. This is decided by clear objectives, like length of planned ownership or loan repayment period. As the length of time in analysis period grows, the net present value decreases. The time period is not affected by equipment depreciation or service life, though it may be valuable for the study. In this study a single design life of 15 years was used to show a midway point between small and medium capacity equipment range for air cooled chiller package. Smaller equipment has a life span of 10 to 15 years while medium size equipment has 15 to 20 years. (Archibald et al 2002) In district cooling plants, machinery is all large scale and has a life span of 30 to 40 years as declared by district solution providers (Tabreed 2007). Though, in this analysis 30 years is considered to minimize the intricacy and work. Interest or discount rate Borrowed capital has high interest rates, albeit this rate is not apt enough to use in the study. Discount rate instead is used to give the actual value of money. This rate is affected by individual investment and profit, while interest rates are fixed. (ASHRAE 2003) Most establishments use WACC to calculate costs of capital as organizations can produce capital through debt or equity. Although return required for equity and debt is varied, debt holders have high risk as they access the organizations profits. Hence cost of the capital is calculated by taking a weighted average of both, and the weightings are introduced by level of debt and equity in the companys asset base, or the companys gearing. (EMA 2002) This estimation is from the hypothesis of cost of capital as 10% (as per break up in Annexure 4.4) to DCS by private sector. Operating costs Operating costs comprises of; cost of electricity, wages of employees, supplies, water, materials, chemicals and annual frequent costs associated with functioning of the system. For the vapor compression system, operating costs are subject to electricity needed to work the compressor. Extra electricity is needed to work the condenser water pump and cooling tower fans. This has been regarded in the calculation. DEWA tariff has also been considered. Wages are as per current UAE market rate. Maintenance Costs Maintenance cost is equal to final cost estimated for air-conditioning systems. Most frequently used maintenance towards building HVAC services are run-to-failure (unsuitable for the hospital), preventive, and predictive maintenance. Run to failure, capital is not spent until the machinery gives way. Preventive maintenance is planned by run time or calendar. Predictive maintenance is done by supervising machinery and using condition and performance indices to increase repair intervals. HVACR maintenance and utility costs form a high percentage of operating cost, hence it is critical to reduce cost on maintenance by managing the process well. Maintenance cost is hard to measure as it is liable on many variables like local labor rates, experience, age of the system, length of time of operation, etc. Although a fair prediction is derived from quotations for repairs and Annual maintenance contracts. Sensitivity analysis Most whole-life cost calculation includes a lot of suppositions and it is not probable to get the effect of change in these practically. One method of testing results attained from whole life cost calculation is to repeat the calculations in a methodical way, changing the value of a single variable (i.e. assumption) each time, and then one can see how sensitive results are to changes in the variable under consideration. Results if seen on a graph can show when; example, one component becomes more attractive than another. (Ferry 1964) Consequently, sensitivity analysis was done to learn the effect of change in DEWA tariff rate on life costs by keeping all parameters same and results are reflected in Figure I and Figure IV. Also the same was done by changing hours of operation; results are seen in Figure III and Figure VI. Explanatory notes to the costing Capital costs Air cooled chiller package 275 TR chiller package is used for contrast study as data of cost and power usage are accessible for a recent project completed in 2007 (Dubai World trade centre) Design fees are taken @ 4 % as per market trend in contracting business in Dubai. Total load requirement as per ETS integrator data is 18,000 TR which needs 66 number of 275 TR air cooled chiller packages. Hence cost as per 66 chiller packages was noted. District cooling plant The capital cost figures shown are for a recently executed project (Phase I completed in March 2008) at Dubai Health care city. Architect/Consultant fees are taken @ 8% as per market trend in contracting business in Dubai. Plant is constructed for 56,000 TR capacity. Civil cost should be allocated to 56,000 TR . Though this difference was not made in capital cost. Chiller cost is 18,000 TR (2000 TR x 9nos) in line with phase I ETS load. Land cost is taken from Dubai rent prices in 2006 in the Dubai Health care city. (UAE property trends 2006) Economic calculation requires consideration towards the space for the cooling machine which will be vacated for other purposes since the consumer is connected to the DC network (Soderman 2007). Although this was not considered in the calculation. Operating costs District cooling plant Power consumption for the plant is from SCADA reports as per annexure 4.5. The power consumption charges are assumed at 20 fils/kwh as per DEWA tariff rates from May2008. Sensitivity analysis by changing the rate to 33 fils/kwh is also done to learn the influence of revised rates from DEWA since June2008. Dubai health care city has residential, hospital buildings and office buildings and so has different running hours. Running hours are assumed as 4800 hrs per year (16 hours /day x 300 days working) and all calculations are based on 4800 hrs of operation. Results for operating at 3200 hrs and 6000 hrs are evaluated. Water costs are assumed as 4 fils/gallon as per DEWA tariff and run hours are 4800 hrs as per above. Air cooled package Power consumption is assumed as 20 fils/kwh as per DEWA tariff rate from May 2008. Since the start of slab tariff, consumption charges for each chiller package will be 20 fils/kwh as total consumption would not exceed the slab. Water and chemical requirements are not applicable for air cooled chiller package, since cooling tower is removed and chilled water system being a closed system the makeup water requirements are irrelevant to consider in costing. Life cycle costs are from budget costing figures formulated from basic equipment sizes, not detailed design solutions. This is supposed to be precise for comparison. 4.5 Inferences from cost comparison Figure I Figure IV District cooling plant has huge initial capital cost, though in the long term it is more advantageous. According to present worth method, district cooling is advantageous from 13th year when present worth becomes lower than air cooled chiller package, which is even before replacement of the chiller package. As operating and maintenance costs are sizably less with the same tariff for electricity as per before May 2008. Since the start of slab tariff rates for electricity from May 2008, air cooled chiller package NPV is lower than district cooling. As increase in operating costs of district cooling because of higher tariff (33 fils/kwh) when compared to air-cooled chiller package (20 fils/kwh) neutralises the advantage of less power consumption per unit of cooling produced by district cooling as compared to air cooled chiller package. Thus the massive disparity in capital costs of district cooling makes it not worth. Figure II In district cooling, capital cost is 56% while operation and maintenance is 44% of the cost. Compared to air cooled chiller package, initial capital investment is 30% while operation and maintenance is 70%. Hence throughout a life cycle of 30 years, OM costs for air cooled chiller package are much higher than the benefit of low capital investment. With equivalent annual cost method, district cooling plant is beneficial when weighed against air-cooled chiller package. Figure III and Figure VI 1. Operating hours of a cooling plant differ widely with use, example the chiller plant in typically HVAC equipment in commercial buildings run for a portion of 2,500 to 3,500 hours that the building is occupied. But in the industrial sector, commercial cooling systems are expanded to comprise of process cooling and function on two shifts or around the clock. Here it is possible to note that the plant runs for 8,000 hours per year. (Archibald et al 2002) Cost differentiation shows as operating hours lessen, differences in present worth between the DCP and ACC reduces. As hours of operation lessen, OM costs lessen and DCP loses the advantage to ACC. Although with more operating hours DCP becomes much more attractive than ACC. 2. As per the present worth method, DCP becomes productive from 15th year, the present worth becomes less than ACC because of substituting of the chiller package with 3600 hours of operation, in the 13th year with 4800 hours of operation and in 9th year of operation with 6000 hours of operation. Here it is visible how costs; except initial capital costs; can influence decisions. Figure V Comparison of DCP and ACC considering inflation is shown. Rates supposed for inflation the difference in costs of ACC and DCP over 30 years increases as compared to the cost comparison without inflation. District cooling system considerations and benefits. High cooling load demand and density are predominant reasons to select District Cooling. It is most commonly seen in universities, government facilities and hospitals, or in office and industrial complexes and high- rise urban districts. A high load density means a less extensive distribution system, which is very expensive. Shorter runs also minimize thermal and pressure losses and maintenance costs. A desirable companion to high load density is a favorable load factor. Means that the aggregate load over time tends to approach the peak block load condition. This analysis considers both factors, thus making DCP a better option. Infrastructure Requirements District Cooling Scheme needs a central plant and a central pipeline network to function. Consideration of these site necessities for district cooling facilities in planning and programming process for Strategic New Development areas in the beginning stage is priority to hold the master plans and certain easy execution of District Cooling Scheme. (Parsons 2003) Due to fast paced construction process any changes to the master plans and infrastructure corridors, can severely impact the completion of the district cooling project. Traffic Impact Review Since some of the pipelines laying works need to be on busy roads it is important to have an extensive Traffic Impact Assessment. For Dubai health care city careful notification was provided to the stakeholders to guarantee no inconvenience was caused due to pipeline installation. Under Ground Congestion These are higher than anticipated costs since there may be unexpected costs relating to congestion in underground services. These need to be overcome primarily in the planning process. (IDEA 2007) Chilled Water Temperature Differential Low chilled water temperature differential (Ά T) is a major district cooling weakness. Poor Ά T performance at cooling coils means lost cooling capacity, wasted energy, extra cost and added complexity for a thermal utility, its chilled water customers, or both. Health care city district cooling plant has power consumption of 1.12 kw/tr which is more than the desired consumption of less than 1 kw/tr due to low chilled water temperature difference. This increases operating costs. To encourage customers to invest in technology to improve Ά T performance in their buildings, an increasing number of utilities have established chilled water rates that vary inversely with Ά T . Figure 4.4 is an example of rates charged to customers from one prominent university in the United States. As can be seen, the lower the Ά T, the greater the rate. Conversely, customers that minimize their flow rate per ton cooling are rewarded. (Moe 2005) Risks and Uncertainties Faced By District Cooling Customers There is no bargaining power with the District Cooling Services Provider once a building is connected to District Cooling Scheme and Uncertainties over future tariffs. Risks and Uncertainties Faced By District Cooling Investors Demand is unpredictable, Uncertainty in dealing with building owners on District Cooling Supply Agreement (negotiations can be time consuming), Unpredictability relating to land costs for District Cooling plant room and distribution pipelines and High initial capital investments with long payback periods. (Parsons 2003) Strategic Environmental Assessment Noise The central chiller plant and pumps of the district cooling scheme are housed in underground plant rooms, this reduces the noise. As buildings connecting to District Cooling Scheme do not need to have their own chiller plant, the district cooling user building will have no noise. Appropriate techniques can be implemented to reduce the noise during construction stage of district cooling scheme. (Parsons 2003) Air Quality District cooling reduces electricity energy thus minimising carbon dioxide emission and will help improve air quality. Based on the case study for 4800 hours of operation the energy saving by using district cooling would be (1.91 -1.12)kw/ton x 4800 hrs x 18000 tons i.e. 68,256,000 KWh , which is equivalent to 104,772,960 lbs of CO2 (Electricity carbon emission factor 1.535 lbs CO2/KWh).(EPA 2006) Benefits of district cooling for project owners: A highly efficient solution: Given that this region has extreme heat, air conditioning can account for as much as 70% of the energy consumption in a typical building. Moving this load from individual houses to a central plant, the housing electric load is reduced considerably and along with it the number of electric substations and length and sizes of electric cables. District cooling requires far less electric power than multiple plant rooms or ducted splits. Also the plant room can house the electric substation, enormously reducing the electric works. Significant capital and O M cost reduction: Removing in-building or on-premise chiller plants by using district cooling schemes; means that availability of free land for other use. Also project owners do not need to buy more land to operate and maintain complex central air conditioning plants. They also need not have to replace expensive equipment. The industry has a two part tariff structure which is complex to understand. It is based on an Annual Capacity or Connection Charge for every ton committed to a property and also a Consumption Charge for the energy used measured through an energy meter installed for every end user. Palm district cooling has developed a new form of tariff structure that maintains the consumption charge but replaces the annual capacity charge or connection charge with a One Time Service Connection Charge (AED/sq ft) of the property. (Prashant 2007) Benefits of this tariff structure: Developer need not pay advance cost for DC, Developer does not need to pay for any air-conditioning chiller units during construction stage. The tenant or property owner contributes to the cost of the DC system at the time of purchasing his property [as he would do with conventional AC equipment]. When district cooling is an option, the building owner can invest capital towards amenities for tenants. Reduced project complexity means faster project completion: Dedicated experienced professionals take over the complex task of providing the cooling needs of the project, simplifying and expediting the project development cycle and expediting move-in dates and income generation Improved ROI numbers: Reduced initial up-front capital outlays for developers, faster move-in dates, reduced OM costs and the elimination of costs related to technical staff all translate into less financial risk for project owners, with improved return on investment and better project economies overall for developers and owners. No idle expensive capacity: District Cooling Solutions allow project owners to buy the capacity they need when they need it. Improved reliability and ease of operation: Economies of scale allow for sophisticated redundant systems resulting in superior 100% up-time performance and ease of operation for project owners. Units used are high-tech and industrial which dramatically decreases the failure frequency compared to commercial equipment. District cooling reliability is in excess of 99.94%. (Source: IDEA). (Papadopoulos et al 2006) The central chiller plant concept, almost by definition, is more flexible and more reliable and possesses a greater degree of redundancy than the concept involving individual cooling packages. Greater flexibility in design: Architects have more creative leeway due to the elimination of heavy machinery. Ecologically friendly: It provides for a noise free, clean environment for the tenants. The absence of tall towers allows for a clean environment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay examples --

Merced Home Products-Accounting Ethics Case Wayne A Shaker OMGT 308-001.2014,SP, Financial and Managerial Accounting Instructor: Paul H. Robinson, JD, CPA â€Æ' Most profit making companies understand conducting business within an ethical reporting framework is the proper way to report quarterly results. Often accounting managers are given opportunities to exercise judgment in financial reporting, using their knowledge about the business to improve the effectiveness of financial statements. However, accounting professionals need to perform their job tasks in accordance with laws, regulations, and technical standards while supplying information that is accurate, clear, concise, and timely. At the same time, managers need to be free from pecuniary anxieties, and disclose all relevant information that could influence an intended recipients understanding of the analyses or reports. However, when managers have incentives to produce positive results, profit management can occur while misleading those who review the company’s financial statements. In the case of Merced Home Products Inc., recently hired controller Stacy Cummins has stumbled upon an accounting procedure causing her great concern. Being a new controller, Stacy reviewed the financial statements of the Home Security division discovering profits improved each quarter until a year end climax with outstanding performance. According to the assistant controller, the standard costs had been modified by Vice President, Preston Lansing to reflect positive earnings as the fiscal year progressed. Upon further investigation, Ms. Cummins discovered the president of the Merced Home Products was aware of the reporting using questionable standards and had chosen not to bother Pres... ...ose developed by the Institute of Management Accountants ("Ima," n.d.). The guidelines for ethical behavior cover professional competence, confidentiality, personal integrity, for individuals disclosing financial information. Of course, ethical behavior in reporting is critical to establish creditability to any company to infuluence growth and outside investment. In the end, ethical conduct of the individuals reporting results is essential for maintaining a solid reputation and support continued success. References Brewer, P. C., & Garrison, R. H. (2013). Introduction to managerial accounting (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Federal Securities Laws. (2002). Retrieved April 29, 2014, from Ima. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2014, from

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay example --

Can Anticipatory Logistics Work In The Corporate World? I do not see any reason, based on the article provided, as to why anticipatory logistics cannot work in the corporate world. In my opinion both are significantly similar in function and operation. The basic aim of both the supply chain management that is frequently used in the corporate world and the anticipatory logistics used by the armed forces are same, and that Is to satisfy the customer better than the competitor. It is true that in each industry the requirements, needs and demands of customers are different, specifically in the corporate world where one company sells pharmaceutical products while other sells ready made clothes. However, in the industry, all the companies compete for a greater market share and that share is contributed by earning customers, loyal or not. When there is a question of winning customers, then there is a concern about the cost, the pricing of the product or service, the speed and ease of delive ry, the psychological acceptance, and many other such elements that make the organization ponder on efforts that would let them survive not just in the corporate world, but also in the war or preparations for war. Anticipatory logistics work in the similar fashion as the supply chain management works. Defining the supply chain management, Li et al (1999) writes that the supply chain management is the â€Å"management of materials and information flow both in and between facilities across SC†, where the SC or the supply chain is a â€Å"network of facilities and distribution options that performs the function of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and distribution of these finished products to custo... ...n Empirical Comparison of Anticipatory and Response Based Supply chain Strategies.† The International Journal of Logistics Management. 9: 2; 21-33. Lair, Noor Ajian Mohd, Awaluddin Mohamed Shaharoun and Mohamed Shariff Nabi Baksh, â€Å"JIT Implementation across A Supply Chain and It effects on Inventory Distribution†, Lenzini, Joshua M (2002) â€Å"The Army's answer to supply chain management Army Logistician†; Fort Lee; Sep/Oct 2002 Li, Yuan, Fan, Zhiping and Zhao, Xuan (1999). â€Å"An Integrated Framework of Supply chain Management System.† Software Engineering Conference 1999. Proceeding sixth Asia Pacific. 196 – 199 Pagh, Janus D and Martha C Cooper (1998) â€Å"Supply chain postponement and speculation strategies: How to choose the right strategy†, Journal of Business Logistics, Issue # 2, Volume 19, Pg. 13-33.

all I Know Is What I Read In The Papers - Will Rogers -- essays resear

"All I Know Is What I Read In The Papers" - Will Rogers There have been many criteria over the past few centuries that measured one's political clout and influence: divine right, property, money, and acquaintances. In the twentieth century, particularly the past two decades, the political power to influence others resides in information: the more information you have and the more you know how to use it, the more potential influence you have. People rely on the media for their information, as it is the most easily accessible, efficient, and passive way of acquiring knowledge. Unfortunately, the media is not completely reliable as it can and has been manipulated by politicians, their parties, and their governments. This makes the media a powerful weapon as politicians use it to effect voters political choices through advertising, change popular opinion on issues of state, and debasing political campaigns through smear tactics. "You can make a candidate someone they aren't. You can protect them from someone they are, or make them more of what they are".-Senator Norm Atkins(1) "An election is like a one day sale†¦the product (candidate) in a sale (campaign) is only available a few hours on one day".(2) The main goal one hopes to achieve by advertising something is to make it marketable so people will purchase it. Since what a politician hopes to ultimately do is persuade people to vote for, or buy, their political platform, they would be foolish to not take advantage of the captive and passive audience of the advertising mass media. Unfortunately politicians and their management take advantage of this medium to manipulate voters' choices. Two cases of advertising manipulation on voters was during the Canadian National Referendum of 1992 and the Quebec Referendum of 1995. During the National Referendum of 1992 over the Charlottetown Accord "three hours of free broadcast time was made available during prime time on every radio and television network that met the statutory criteria"(3) according to the Referendum Act. The act also states that "half (of the time) is allocated to the ‘Yes' and half to the ‘No' side"(4). This allotment of advertising time did not take into account the print advertisement that was plastered al... ... in that matter"(22). Truedeau floored Bouchard by saying that "the federalists would have done better in the recent Quebec referendum "(23) if the Yes side didn't "make Quebeckers, especially former premier Rene"Levesque, look like victims"(24), Politics is a very dirty game, and if you don't develop a thick skin to deal with the rhetoric then you will not survive the smear campaigns. "I fear three newspapers more than a hundred thousand bayonets"(25) The mass media in all its manifestations has a mandate to be a forum for views both directly and indirectly through advertising and journalist reporting, This massive forum has been the place, for many years, that politicians have had their voice. Like many other institutions, the mass media has been utilized as a tool of the political world with which politicians, their parties, and their governments capture the fixated and passive audience, thus making the media a powerful device to affect voters political choices through advertising, change popular opinion on issues of state, and debasing political campaigns with smear tactics.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Martin Eden Summary

Martin Eden is a 21-year-old sailor, as a result of an accidental opportunity, he meets Ruth, falls in love with her, and with her family, her life. In order to match Ruth he works hard. He reads a plethora of books. Ruth helps him to study writing. Martin writes 40 drafts circling unceasingly throughout in various magazine company. He doesn't understand why his own works aren't accepted, but these have a liking for the spiritless thing always. He looks for Ruth, reads his work to her, asks her to judge. Ruth does not appreciate his work either. After is repeatedly defeated but he still persists to write. Gradually Ruth is losing the confidence to him, but Martin still attacks her and the people of the upper level of society. Martin sees Ruth and her family clearly. Once, they participates in the time which the socialist party person assembles by a tabloid reporter confusedly is interpolated in the report, becomes the anarchism leader, encounters the isolation and besieges. Ruth leaves Martin then. The only real friend of Martin, Brissenden, is dead now. At this time, a huge change happens in his life that the publication magazine starts to use his work actually. The publishing house in order to his reputation has also accepted he all sorts of harsh requests, he became the famous writer. He can’t understand that these works all are already finish, they haven't been changed as well as Martin himself. Why does everybody flatter him today? Finally, Ruth comes back. But Martin is completely discouraged. He is so disappointed that he tells her he doesn't want to see her any more. He no longer writes a character. He leaves all his money to his sister and his laundry room partner Egypt. Then he goes on a ship and jumps into the sea.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Itunes Music Pricing

Josefina Anorga Carlos Albizu University iTunes euphony Pricing Adopting a vari subject determine policy top executive increment the sales tax of orchard apple trees music Store. Pricing the more touristed songs at a high(prenominal) worth and the less popular ones at a lesser rate would present higher sales for the lesser popular ones. Thus making up for the lissome drop in sales of pricey tracks and ultimately working towards overall change magnitude tax receiptss. Although most songs with a higher price point experienced nearly 21 % drop in sales, the 29 % increase in price made up for the loss.Moreover, sales for the top 40 songs redeem a relatively inelastic crave and argon expected to be unimpressed by the price rise. The customers of these popular songs are price-insensitive and hence make a great contribution to the change magnitude revenues since the optimal price bathroom be marked at a mensurate much higher than the marginal cost. With the tiered p rice body structure, iTunes Music Store would also be commensurate to tackle the change magnitude competition by the major wireless companies go transferable harmony to the cell phone subscribers.Variable price intelligently supports the maximized returns by allowing the conjunction to adjust the value of per-unit prices to increase revenues and encourage the potential customers to be allured by the lowered prices of specific tracks. orchard apple trees iTunes Music Store efficiency adopt other strategies such as Product Bundle Pricing outline to make a bundle of diametric songs (both popular and less popular tracks) and give them at reduced prices. This result not exclusively help the sales of the indisposed moving sound tracks, but also work as a revenue generator by right smart of beguiling potential consumers.The bundling strategy will help in increasing pay by extracting additional consumer surplus. Another strategy that the company may adopt is the clothed p ricing policy. This approach will demand the company to charge higher prices for the songs since they can alone be downloaded exclusively on the iPod. This will ensure higher revenue from the existing customer downloads, however the company might not be able to increase the iPod sales following this pricing policy. The company may implement promotional pricing strategies such as offering some specific songs at discounted prices along with the purchase of the new iPods.This would not only boost the sales of the iPods, it would also move in the customers to buy the usually expensive songs at discounted rates. This would directly promote the symphony sales thus increasing revenues. While the covariant pricing strategy is seen as way to increase revenue, the sophisticated pricing structure poses high perils and potential costs to the company. With the orgasm of the information technology and the rise in the unofficial file swapping networks, the company is al determine at a high put on the line of losing consumers, who can easily download pirated symphony free of cost.Moreover, since a major get by ( somewhat $0. 70) of the revenue per song goes to the record companies that gain the right to the songs and the iTunes Music Store gets a very small share of the dough from the downloaded euphony, the company cannot afford to lose remuneration from the sales of iPods. A complicated pricing structure poses a great risk of losing the customers to other companies, which will adversely rival the sales of the iPods also. With the music companies tying up with other competitors such as Amazon. om, who cheat the music catalogs wrapped in digital rights management software, implementing the complicated pricing, would only misbegot losing the sales and promoting the unethical practice of unauthorized free downloads. Apples pricing objective of straight pricing is not directed at maximizing revenues collectible to the sale of downloaded music. The company is enticed to sell the downloaded music at low prices in auberge to promote the sale of iPods. Apple follows a profit maximizing policy for the iPods revenue stream and so follows a stable policy for the attracting the customers by a flat price for the downloaded music.However, the record companies are only concerned about maximizing revenues from the downloaded music and they are not concerned about the revenue from the sale of iPod. The iTunes Music hive away is a service that Apple offers to its consumers who bid to buy the third company music and audio books over the internet. Moreover, with no subscription fee and broad range of personal rights organism offered with the music content, including playing the music on an unlimited number of iPods, Apple is clearly not digested at generating change magnitude revenues through music downloads (Forms 10-K).Apples expertness to control the pricing of downloaded music is possible to change in the future. Third party content sub mitrs require Apple to provide variable pricing policy along with adequate bail mechanism. If the company continues to focus on revenue maximization of iPod ironware sales considering the music content download as a peripheral disdain activity, the recording companies might get provoke due to the absence in increased revenues.The company might lose its supplement over music companies owing to the increasing competition. With other companies like Amazon ready to sell the music with embedded security features, the music companies are likely to fall in with companies thus adversely affecting iTunes Music store business.References Forms 10-K, United States Securities and Exchange focus Apple Computer, Inc. Retrieved on August 18, 2010 from http//www. sec. gov/ narration/edgar/data/320193/000104746904035975/a2147337z10-k. htm

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Youth confront preparedness matter.ROLE OF THE YOUTH IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD The youth has great strength, vigour, good health etc. These features should be channeled towards the propagation of the gospel. Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God (Lk. 18:16).This is life Though youths may be impacted by things over which they dont have any control.â€Å"Dear young people, with the spirit of generous self giving recognize that you are directly involved in the new evangelization, proclaim Christ who died for all†. Where are our Youths today? Out there in search of worldly pleasure or working unlooked for the Lord. (Ref. to the past).

Most youth do not have any idea of what the future holds for them.Joseph had an sexual encounter with God. He reverenced God. The fear of God was in his heart. Portipher’s household prospered because of the presence of Joseph.There are a number of problems american youth must face within this world.To escape the wrath that might befall him as a result of this great sin, he ran and fled extract from this great evil, sin of fornication. Godless youth would take advantage of this immoral opportunity and yield to the temptation. It egypt takes a heart that has been washed by the Blood of The Lamb, a youth who has experienced the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, a sanctified person and very Holy Ghost filled to overcome such temptation. For the bible says â€Å"for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world†.

Contemporary day childhood of India lives in the historys phase.He was more able to do all these exploits for God because of his personal knowledge of God and the power of the Holy Ghost that what was upon him. Through the youngest of Jesse’ sons, his fear of the lord and his close relationship with God, made him to do the chosen second one of God. †Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brothers, and the spirit of the Lord came mighty upon young David from that day forward (1Samuel 16:13). Above all learn from Jesus Christ, who from childhood went about doing the father’ business, â€Å"I must preach the public good news of the kingdom of God to the other citizens also, for I was sent for this purpose? Make yourself available for noble use.Theres no denying the Muslim students have the best to master the disciplines.To them, if the society accept the society’s new directions. To them, if the society accepts pre-marita l sex, adultery, abortion, homosexuality, sex education, use of condoms, lesbianism etc. hey cannot see why the church has to keep calling them sins. The youth sees the youth state as a period of fun and freedom.

com.What a wasted life! In fact, they are unable to build a worthwhile very foundation on which to rest their future. Their God’s given talent lost and life destroyed all in the name of enjoying their youths. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he admonished Timothy in these words: Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue Righteous, faith, love and peace, Along start with those who call on the Lord Out of a pure heart† 2Tim:22 The youthful stage when properly managed can lead to disaster.All youths should heed to Paul’s admonition to timothy.Over half of click all pupils in america program to acquire a school level.Learn from David and Joseph, the way to upright living. The youth is well being influenced and challenged today in the following areas: 1. INFLUENCE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY Modern technology had led to the invention of personal computer, the satellite, Digital television, the internet, mobile phone (GSM).These devices had in no small measure made th e world a global village.

Problems empty can get stones instead of stumblingblocks.The mobile telephone has made communication easy. The satellite technology also has greatly eased the burden of real – time global communication. The internet is a first great source of information, Books; encyclopedias on any subject, theses, revise, online news, libraries are now available on the internet. Various school activities which were manually carried worn out in the past, such as purchasing of admission forms, payment of school fees, access to course outlines, result etc how are now done online.Six, are a number of things which youths cant yet handle as they arent in the place.Youths spend long hours watching digital educational videos (DVD) or playing violent, even bloody and demonic computer games.Some youths spend hours or the whole night browsing forbidden site on the internet thereby getting exposed to inappropriate materials, such as pornographic and erotica because some youth get initiated into Sa tanism, Spiritism and other esoteric region. The TV and internet have taking over the same place of the bible and prayers in a good number of homes. Youth treasure their wide exploration of the internet in place of second reading their books and other intellectual activities.

Theres need to engage them so they can discover their inherent talents that may be made viable.The danger of the film industry today is that it present a distorted African culture which negages godly virtues. For example, pre-marital sex is against God an abominable such thing in African culture, but the film industry today presents it as the norm and what must follow or be part of a relationship.Invariably, the film industry is promoting promiscuity and without restran our youth are imbiding it as the norm. Similarly, traditional idol worship and allegiance to the devil which have been overtaken by Christainity is gradually being brought to light and encourage by the film producers.Young people arent perfect.NEGLECING OF HARD WORK Many many youths want to go the easy way of life. No work but wants to be rich.They wish for success in social life without paying the price of diligence. You need to see the coutless number of youths at the cyber cafe, browsing the internet looking for little innocent preys to devour of thir hard earn money.

In the same time, children need to see that parents care.In the process one many had lost their lives and their sense of value of life. Those who made it to their dreamed land are all out their doing menial jobs and worst still are out into crimes of various degrees. 5. Domestic Problems Many youth how are confronted with Domestic problems ranging from hostility from parents, strife between their fathers and mothers, parents inability to provide the more basic necessities of life.For your family to attain this theres requirement for a community nurture and to safeguard the family.Praise the Lord! Let us trace our dressing to the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they realized that they are naked. They sewed fig leaves coming together to make themselves aprons (Gen3:7). This covered only a part of their bodies.

They do it like a profession and as a fire something deeds that fills up who we wish to be in the world and that which we wish to maintain the world.Luke’s gospel Chapter 8 ;26-35). The little demon possessed man was naked. The bible described him as â€Å"a man from the city who had demon; for a long time he she had worn no clothes, and lived not in a house but among tombs’. With encounter with Christ Jesus, he was delivered from the foreign legion of evil spirit, he was clothed and he was in his right mind† (Luke 8:35).Their problems, despite the fact arent the same.For cell all that is inworld, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father, but is of the world†. I John2:15. Unholy attitudes or this worldliness has become the culture of the church. Some church members tell you what you wear does not matte, after all religion is in the heart.

Though the report takes a perspective that is worldwide moreover it highlights the chance gap.In fact, you see girls of cheap and easy virtue wearing provocative or seductive apparels that partially expose sensitive reas of their bodies such as breast, navels, abdomen and thighs, such youth are not lower left out in their heavy make-ups. Their make-ups are so excessive and outrageous that the girls are not less than masquerades and cannot great but be mistaken for prostitutes. Why would a Christain woman or lady imitate Jezbel? â€Å"When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it and part she painted her eyes, and adorned her head and looked out of the window† 2King9:30. Some ladies dress in such way that they stimulate lustful desires in men.Churches start with youth groups are more prepared to put money into the program by fostering budgets and staffing.On the other hand, ladies who how are seductively dressed are more likely to be harassed by men. In the actual sense, a lady who is immodestly dressed is simply adverstising herself, telling the male folk that she is available. No wonder, today that the rate at which women are raped is exceedingly alarming. The men folk are not left out of this craze unlooked for fashion.

It is so difficult that, if it occurs at all, its going to be wonder.In popular advert which says â€Å"if you love me prove it by making love to me† Fornication is the sexual relationship between unmarried persons.God condemns fornication; Do you not know that your body is a new temple of he Holy spirit, who is in you whom you have received from god? You are not your own, you were received with a price. Therefore, honour god with your body (1cor 6:19-20) Anyone who destroy the temple of the Holy spirit which you are will face wrath of God. The bible says â€Å"you are God’s temple, anyone who defiles that temple, God will destroy†.Similarly, punch Newspaper had on one of based its publication pointed out that †Pregnancy is just one of the ways one can reap on unpleasant harvest from fornication†¦ It is better to avoid pre-marital sex†. 8. Wild Ambition Youths, no doubt are very ambitious.Being ambitious itself should be commended.The bible tells us to flee from all appearance of evil. Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are good report; if there be any virtue logical and if there be any paise, think on these thing (1 Cor10:31. Phil 4:8) Do not get involved in any activity that is contrary to the tenents of God.

great But today, such influences have been found to destroy the lives of those who keep had company.Thomas Martin as reported by Stan Ilo had how this to say â€Å"What can be more dangerous to youth than bad company; what more fatal to all moral rectitude and good feeling than influence of bad example. Bad company ruins good moral. It will be highly recommended youths can be involved in authentic friendship.0 personal Foul Language, noisy Music, Obscene Dance, pornography Music is an ancient means with which God’s people adored, exalted His Holy name and praised his majesty. This is still God’s expectation from us today. However, Christain music of today has assumed a new dimension from what obtains in the bible. clinical Most Christain music today are emotional, sensual and noisy.11. UNEMPLOYMENT There is a high rate of employment in this country. Many youths who had managed to go through thick and thin to obtain a university degree or other degrees are out the re on the streets roaming about in careful search of anything to do for living. His has been the concern of both youths and their parents.Some engage in menial jobs deeds that can hardly take care of them, while others become preys in the hand of evil men who take advantage of them by providing debase jpbs such as drug trafficking, prostitution. The self employed are faced with problems of generating power for tjose whose jobs require electricity. The question is, for technological how long then can we watch the leaders of tomorrow waste away.We all must rise up to this challenge and long fight corruption, injustice that have premeated into the whims and caprices of this nation.

To every man there is a wife and to every young woman there is a man. Therefore wait on the Lord, and He will provide. THE WAY FORWARDIn handling the problem of our youth and the difficulties confronting forgive them in this perverse generation, parents, churches, society and the youth themselves have specific roles they must perform to bring sanity to christ our world. Let us reflet on the role of the youth themselves.Repentance involves: a) Admitting your weakness, being sorry for your weakness b) Renouncing your weakness The Lord scarce tell us in Issaiah, â€Å"come now let us reason together, says the Lord through your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall become loke wool† (Is. 1:18) Go for sacramental reconciliation. Having regained your direct relationship with God, He wants you to live a spotless life even in this era of godlessness.What is expected of the youth therefore according to the word of God is outlined as follows: 1. The youth must treasure the unaltered word of God in his heart, life and mouth, civilization or no civilization. 2. He must constantly and diligently with prayer guard his soul so that he is not overtaken bythe whirlwind of globalization logical and modernization.Depend on the grace of God. Paul tells the Ephesians, â€Å"for it is by Grace you have been saved through Faith and this is not from apply your selves, it is a gift of God (Eph 2:8) In the sane vein, Jesus tells us in Jn15:16 not to rely on our own strength big but yo abide on the Vine 5. Invite the Holy spirit, the sanctifying power of God into your life. It is the spirit that gives life.